Myanmar Nurse and Midwife Council (MNMC) initiated the development of CPD courses for nurses and midwives to standardize the competencies of CPD courses delivered by CPD providers and to support the CPD providers. Consequently MNMC held a five day workshop on Development of Courses for Nursing and Midwifery CPD program at the Conference Hall of Myanmar Nurse and Midwife Council in November- December, 2024. Daw Nwe Nwe Khin, President of MNMC provied the opening remark.

According to findings from needs assessment workshops and availability of expert persons, six courses (3 courses for nurses and 3 courses for midwives) were developed during November and December 2024.  The expert groups are composed of eight subject matter experts from the academic field, clinical setting, and  the MNMC members who have experience in teaching nursing and midwifery subjects. The following three courses related to nursing were developed.

  1. Basic life support,
  2. care of under five children with pneumonia,
  3. nursing management of patient with chest tube.

Likewise, the three courses developed for midwifery care were

  1.  Antepartum Haemorrage and Postpartum Haemorrage,
  2. Management of Pregnant Woman with Pregnancy Induced Hypertension,
  3. Early Childhood Intervention.

At the end of each workshop, lesson plans, course contents, and assessment tools of respective CPD courses are finalized and ready to use for CPD training.